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The most movie sound clips efficient multijunction solar cell yet made -- 30 percent, out of a possible 50 percent efficiency -- has just two layers. " "Two layers of indium gallium nitride, one tuned to a band gap of 1.7 eV and the other to 1.1 movie sound clips eV, could attain the theoretical 50 percent maximum efficiency for a two-layer multijunction cell. (Currently, no movie sound clips materials with these band gaps can be grown together.) Or a great many layers with only small differences in their band gaps could be stacked to approach the maximum theoretical efficiency of better than 70 percent. It remains to be seen if a p-type version of indium gallium nitride suitable for solar cells can be made. Here too success with LEDs made of the same alloy gives hope. A number of other parameters also remain to be settled, like how far charge carriers can travel in the material before being reabsorbed."