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Search There’s also an advanced search. Relevance Posted in: Politics. Previous entry: Ethiopian Toilet Seat, 03 jin ping mei Apr Next entry: The Post-Its No Longer Stick, 14 Apr All entries from April 2005 Et Cetera Hosted by Segment Publishing. Powered by Movable Type 3.16. Published under a Creative Commons License. More about Thinkless » Thinkless is owned and operated by Nick Findley, who jin ping mei can be contacted. Various feeds are available. AN INTERPRETATION OF, AND PRONUNCIATION GUIDE FOR, REO SPEEDWAGON'S 1980 HIT, 'KEEP ON LOVIN' YOU' BY JAMIE ALLEN * Verse jin ping mei One: Ya SHUDDa SEEN bah tha LOOK-IN MAH AHS BAY-AY-ba, theh wuz SUM-thin mis-UNNNNNN, Ya SHUDDa KNOWN bah tha TONE a MAH VOHCE MAY-AY-ba, butcha DIDn lis-UNNNNNNN. Interpretation: First, Charlotte, when I saw you there, the second-to-last Friday before Christmas break, sitting on the orange carpet by the gray skate lockers, making out with Chris, the smell of burnt pizza in the air, tiny crystal shards of light from the disco ball spinning by, your skates removed and placed askew by your white-socked feet, the hands on the nearby clock at 11:35 and my father outside waiting for me, honking the horn, thinking that I was on drugs because I was five minutes late and not where I should be; when you spotted me out of the corner of