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Your life may be enriched, so take off that winter coat, pull up a comfortable chair of singers decent size, read our story and allow us to welcome you... to Idle Thumbs - A Feature by James Spafford The bastard son of two parents, one a fairy tale prince who wished to forsake the current trends in the games journalism world and singers the other a lowly servant girl who dreamed singers of embracing subjectivity, is here at last despite dire warnings from local wise women that it would be born a giant mecha-goose. The conception resulted from, as most do, a drunken fiasco: an enjoyable but forgettable night a long time ago and something to do with magic beans. There then followed 9 months of back-breaking effort all rewarded by a single painful mashed squirt at the end, and our child was finally delivered into this world screaming, kicking, and frantically bashing its buttons.