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-Nicole [2002-03-23 02:02:38] "I never BOUGHT a cd. I entertainment guess now that I'm not working at a radio station, I'm gonna hafta do that. " -D* [2002-03-23 16:43:04] "Okay, now I feel really stupid, because ya'll bought cool CDs for your first one--I bought Ace of Base. I don't feel too entertainment bad though, because I bought Counting Crows very shortly entertainment thereafter." -trav [2002-03-23 21:25:22] (6 comments) Date: 2002-03-21 19:22:07 (Author: trav) Link: I'm slowly starting to think that Ducky and I may have a lot more in common than either of us realize. Comments: (0 comments) Date: 2002-03-21 11:35:33 (Author: trav) Link: