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Kids come home, goldielookin chain your mother's got a penis lyrics everybody dresses nice, and you're reunited with the people you haven't seen for ages. Mixed among the sad goldielookin chain your mother's got a penis lyrics poems and names of fallen soldiers are little inside-jokes ("Hey Tim, your old uniform getting a little tight?") and friendly elbow jabs ("I know I should move this along, my wife told me I'd be in trouble if we weren't out of here by eleven"). They've been doing this for over 120 years, and although it's always the same, I go back home every time. Hey, somebody has to drive the "Desert Storm" car, and hell goldielookin chain your mother's got a penis lyrics if some punk thinks he's driving our Monte Carlo. Comments: "And your coming home for Memorial Day each year is one of our "traditions." Thank you, Son!!" -Your Mom [2004-07-04 17:31:47] "I want to live in a country town that might have little rituals like that.