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It's brilliant and scary!" -JustAgirl [2004-07-04 03:48:33] "Well, I rented it. While I'm games afraid to say that I didn't games find it to be a very good movie, I can't say I feel bad about the time I spent watching it. That, however, was entirely due to the lovely Nicole de Boer." -trav [2004-07-05 20:53:54] (4 comments) Date: 2004-07-01 01:15:00 (Author: trav) Link: There is no reason why a gas pump should need such instruction labels. This is a usability failure if I've ever seen one. Comments: "Fix it. Make the world a better place." -D* [2004-07-01 07:57:42] "Nice blog!" -JustAgirl [2004-07-02 08:39:34] games "Thanks! You too." -trav [2004-07-08 00:40:08] (3 comments) [ home - archives - quoteboard - blogger decoder - wishlist ] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.