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Shame, real or pretended, is a woman's way of accepting the taboo that makes a human store being [my italics, not his, he said this with a straight face] out of her. The time comes when she must break the taboo, but then she has to signify by being ashamed that the taboo is not forgotten, that the infringement takes place in spite store of the taboo, in full consciousness of the taboo. Shame only store disappears entirely in the lowest form of prostitution. Now I apologize for sounding like a student here, but fuck you, that's exactly what I should be, and I have to ask how you could have swallowed this crap when you spent your entire childhood in complete fascination with your own shame, your own violation at the hands of an ugly, Italian nun, and the similar debasement of other boys. Weren't we women only an afterthought for you? So why did I end up having to be your barometer, your gage of what was humiliating, walking some sick line between the base prostitutes of your wet dreams and your prissy W.A.S.P.