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Rape is a crime against humanity and the only reason it exists is because people are willing to project silence and shame onto the person who has been enlightenedtheme for wordpress sexually terrorized because facing enlightenedtheme for wordpress the horror of rape in our society is just "too overwhelming" I guess. It is a crime not against any one individual, it kills the humanity in enlightenedtheme for wordpress everyone, just like racism does. So a community that will not uphold the silence and shame, and will act out in well-considered, imaginative rage is absolutely, absolutely imperative. ?: How can I take "Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Devil: My Life and Times in a Racist, Imperialist Society" seriously when you a.) admit that you hate seagulls b.) are "anti-neutering" c.) expect me to believe that the ocean talked to you d.) hate people who eat meat or e.)