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And so I kissed you just to confirm we were not asleep. I said, "Perhaps it's always been this way and we've never been in love enough to notice." Later, you said, "Of course it wasn't a dream. rock star When you kissed me I smelt onions." -o0o- I remember rock star when I first met you. Somewhere, sometime in the mid eighties a long time before we rose up slowly. A long time before the phenomenon. But then I don't think I remember the details well at all … yes, I can. Oh yes I can. I think it rock star was someone's 18th birthday party in someone's big yellow house. A house overlooking the beach; a house with a pool and ten pin bowling alley. In the kitchen I found you. You were wearing a hot pink boob tube and aqua, polystyrene bauble earrings. You winked at me. I saw glitter eye shadow. You told me I could call you ‘Chook'. I mouthed those words and put my hands against my sides, stuck my arms out, leant back, extended my neck and flapped. I stared at you smiling and smiled back. You giggled and stretched both arms upwards showing me your shaven armpits in celebration.