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And the vengeance motif aint just limited to Biblical referents, because "Iron Man," one of their greatest songs, is a piece of almost camera pure program music utilizing lugubrious drums clomping like the falls of Golem feet and a guitar riff that swoops recklessly like a Hulk camera arm demolishing buildings, to depict a miscreant, much reminiscent of the Karloff Frankensteins monster who really only wanted to play with the other camera children, who finds himself ostracized as a total freak because of his size and lumbering lack of grace (Hmmm, know some people like that myself; maybe Iron Man is really a symbol and fantasy for every adolescent ever tortured by awkwardness and "difference") and responds with understandable rage and a havoc-wreaking rampage: "Is he live or dead?" "Has he thoughts within his head?"