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It couches the expectable pete and dud hints of looming catastrophe ("Must the world live in the shadow of atomic fear?") in a romanticized picture of the pete and dud children born in the megaton shadow standing their ground, insistent on the salvation of the planet, with an uncharacteristic happy ending: Revolution in pete and dud their minds the children start to march Against the world they have to live in. Oh! The hate thats in their hearts! Theyre tired of being pushed around and told just what to do. Theyll fight the world until theyve wonand love comes flowing through Which is fine with me. The cloudy romanticism of the songs social conception removes it from the limitations of any one factions Utopia, making it much more palatable than the vested-interest jams of a group like the Up (musical agitprop arm of the Ann Arbor Rainbow Peoples Party) or the dilettantism of a Jefferson Airplane, even if it does bear about as much dialectical meat as Grand Funk singing "People Lets Stop the War."