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Prefuku te bom I will hit you bad Pretepu te bom s palco I savage love will hit you with a stick V rit ga brcni Kick him in the ass Spelji se Draw off Buzerant Faggot Naj te koklja brce The hen should kick you Kreten Asshole Hudirja Devilish Fafi savage love lulo Suck my dick. Tristo kr čenih medvedov Three hundred baptized bears. Naj ti kurac ovene Your dick should fade away. 300 kosmatih medvedov 300 hairy bears. Hudič naj te vzame Let the devil take you. savage love Preklet hudič. Damned devil. Picka ti na kurcu zrastla Pussy has grown on your dick Mars u picko materino Enter in yours mother pussy Jebi si pofukano mater Fuck your fucked mother Kurbin sine Son of a bitch Kurba pofukana Fucked bitch Svinja prekleta Damned pig Pojdi v pizdo materino! Go into your mother's cunt! Majku ti spalim! I'll burn your mother Majku ti jebem, ivu ili mrtvu! I'll fuck your mother, dead or alive! Cipa Whore Kreten Idiot Kmet Peasant Pičkin sin Son of a cunt Pofukal te bom I'm going to fuck you Gresh mee na koorac!