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You make me sick! Koozla smrdlyva! Stinky bitch! Pička ti materina Your mother's cunt Pes ti jajca lizu! May a dog lick your balls! Nabijem te na rit white I stick your ass on my dick Kravojebac Cowfucker Fegi Gay Tristo hudičev Three hundred devils (the number of the troubles I wish you'd had) Jezus na Mariji! Jesus on a Virgin Mary! (if something bad happens) Okoli riti white v žep! Around your ass into pocket! (When someone does something wrong) Jaz pa tebi mamo! And I fuck your mother! (Comeback to "Fuck you!") Razmrdam te v pizdo materno! I'll fuck white you in your mother's pussy! (While you're still unborn) Idi v pichko materno! Go to your mother's pussy! (Go back where you came from) Nay gre vse v P. M. (pizdo materino) ! Let everything go in M. P. (mother's pussy) ! [Said if everything in your life sucks.]
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