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What the fuck?! link To my mother, Damn it! It's galleys mothers day. I made you a pretty little ceramic box in art class, I worked in the yard all day, galleys and I did my homework. I worked my ass of in my room trying to make it look acceptable to you, but because I can't finish it tonight you've gone off to bed hating me and hating mother's day. Fuck, you always have to be pissed about something. I know you're going to wake me up in the morning and be cold and galleys mean, and my whole day will be ruined because I'll be feeling guilty for hurting you. We go through this every week almost about something or other. I'm sick of it. One more year and I'll be gone to Mexico, why can't we make it nice? link To my mother, you always made me feel invisible. even when i was little. i felt that the only way to make you love me was to be as good as possible, to do as well as possible in school, to be the smartest kid.