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http://www.thereporter.com/sheehan/ci_2936045 "Jim Krause said president expressed sorrow ubersitenews humor jokes music movies sports when he and Cindy Sheehan saw him last June." Compare that to what Cindy says now. Then tell me what it will take for you to believe that she might be nuts. -John by ubersitenews humor jokes music movies sports ChicagoJohn on Sun Aug 14, 2005 at 12:47:31 ubersitenews humor jokes music movies sports AM PDT [ Parent ] Being angry (none / 0) Cindy lost a son due to a lie. What are you so angry about? We're all Helens now. :) by cskendrick on Sun Aug 14, 2005 at 05:49:12 AM PDT [ Parent ] "A lie" (none / 0) "Cindy lost a son due to a lie. What are you so angry about?" Her taking advantage of her dead son to push a political cause that- as you've agreed with me- she was pushing before he died.