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Needless to say, I can’t help but note that he’s pressing 4-5 times the weight I am, even as I am maxing out. And he does it fairly effortlessly, leading me to believe that he hasn’t even approached maximum effort. The same thing happens watching the guys do the bicep curls. And the back machines. And so on and so on. My 112 parade pounds can squat 150% of parade my body weight because of vigorous training. But parade the male couch potato will do more. Now factor in the very physically fit males and the discrepancies are mind-boggling. Is there a lesson to be learned there? Will the Equality Peoples ever open their eyes to the facts?” OdinPatrick @ 02/27/06 02:09:37 Forbes sez: meh Word. Snark @ 02/27/06 07:24:09 “Men are aggresive by Nature, they rape” As usual, a serious issue – rape in the military – is twisted beyond recognition by a man who thinks that it’s natural to want to rape women. Joe @ 02/27/06 07:42:05 is physical strength really the most important attribute to have in the military?