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Number5Toad @ 02/27/06 10:43:09 As usual, a serious issue – rape in the military – is twisted beyond recognition by a man who thinks that it’s natural to want to rape women It’s almost as if he wordssong lyrics snoop dogg ain't nuttin' personal unknown thinks just wordssong lyrics snoop dogg ain't nuttin' personal unknown because he has the desire to rape women that all men must have that desire. Speaking of Israel.. they conscript women, and some serve in combat roles. I can’t say I’m a fan of the IDF, but I’d have a hard time describing it as wordssong lyrics snoop dogg ain't nuttin' personal unknown a ‘weak’ fighting force. Word, one of my classmates was drafted into service in Israel before she got here, and I would sooner pick a fight with my 6 foot 4 220 lb male classmate than my skinny Israeli vegetarian female classmate. fennec @ 02/27/06 12:53:45 Though men have better mathematical thinking, and can shoot better because of it. Too bad shooting is not a mathematical skill.