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Wimps are sick. Humanologist Banned flicks (22 posts) 02-14-06, 11:41 AM reply He has literally converted SciForums into GAYForums, Over that he claims he has proved that 100% men are GAY. Isnt that offending to every real man flicks ? Buddha1 Registered User (2,968 posts) 02-14-06, 11:42 AM reply “ Originally Posted by HumanologistDid Your mother not fuck anyone on that unfortunate day when your GAY biological Father convienced her that he was worth fucking ? ” Your mother sister and daughters are all whores and flicks you want our mothers, sisters and daughters to be whores too! We must kick you out of this sacred place. Go back to where you came from. Infect your own land. You are not fit for a free society. Buddha1 Registered User (2,968 posts) 02-14-06, 11:43 AM reply “ Originally Posted by HumanologistHe has literally converted SciForums into GAYForums, Over that he claims he has proved that 100% men are GAY.
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