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No digg. [reply] by Perklunk on 12/02/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 0 diggs Hmm... didn't see the date in my excitement, it is kind of old...sorry! [reply] by DaleCoz on 12/02/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + music 0 diggs music Solar cells have been music over-hyped a lot of times, and I can understand the growing skepticism as the "Solar cells on every roof" scenario keeps not happening. At the same time, solar cell prices have been dropping pretty much every year when you take inflation into account. Solar cell production and sales are both growing rather quickly--averaging 25% annual growth for the last five or six years. Production is still small compared to other energy sources, but with that kind of growth rate that will change. The big Japanese electronics companies have been spending million every year to ramp up production. As the real price of solar cells goes down, they gradually become competitive in more and more niches. At one point they were so expensive they could only compete in the satellite market.