Gay females are hot 2001 gene lebell

motown, television, david steinberg, celebrity gossip, standby me, films that time forgot, funny shirts, confidential, hannibal, french/appendices/exercises, blogging, centerville, blaze, make money, swear words, environmental news, canadian film, gene lebell, blink182, pacific northwest, political cartoons, estrogen, Guys are supposed to be masculine-not taking it up 2001 the ass. Gay females are hot 2001 so no one cares LOL That's pretty much the truth. Two girls are hot. Two guys are disgusting. I'm sorry, but I find that to be true. Call me a homophobe, but I just think that is disgusting. I don't mean to be oppressive towards gays, but that's just 2001 how I am. Don't get me wrong, I'm for gay rights, I just don't want to see that shit. Frank Feb 25, 2006 06:27 PM Wait, are we talking two hot guys, or just any two guys? Odyne Feb 25, 2006 06:31 PM Why does it even matter if it's genetic or not? I find all of the research interesting but really, do we need to know it's genetic before we can give people their rights? I also have seen pretty much no research about bisexuals but I suppose that's because they're all just slutty greedy experimental college girls and emo boys.
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Gay females are hot so no one cares LOL SgtD4 Feb 25, 2006 04:45 PM alpha_hazard said: I always wonder gene lebell why gene lebell there is so much research into gay males, but not gay females. My guess is because there's a lot less violence towards female homosexuals. palacemuse Feb 25, 2006 05:50 PM Additionally, the scientific community (mostly male and masculine) views lesbianism as somewhat ambigious, whereas dudes who do it with dudes MUST be in a definitive category. A woman can have sex with women and men aren't completely convinced of her sexuality. But any guy gene lebell who has sex with men is most definitely, unequivocally, totally, completely gay... [Edited on Feb 25, 2006 6:51PM] KUNGFOO Feb 25, 2006 06:05 PM Drusylla said: alpha_hazard said: I always wonder why there is so much research into gay males, but not gay females. Because gay males are more offensive.
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