Two girls are hot. calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix) political cartoons

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Two girls are hot. Two guys are disgusting. I'm sorry, but I political cartoons find that to be true. Call me a homophobe, but I just think that is disgusting. I don't mean to be oppressive towards gays, but that's just how I am. Don't get me wrong, I'm for gay rights, I just don't want to see that shit. That's pretty much the truth. Two girls are hot. Two guys are disgusting. I'm sorry, but I find that to be true. Call me a homophobe, but I political cartoons just think that is disgusting. I don't mean to be oppressive political cartoons towards gays, but that's just how I am. Don't get me wrong, I'm for gay rights, I just don't want to see that shit. Are you fucking kidding me??? You know what is disgusting? Everything you just said. The last sentence does not negate the fact that you are ridiculously homophobic. What are you, 98 years old?? Saraphine SUICIDEGIRL Feb 25, 2006 07:23 PM have had gay dudes in clubs and such, just roll up and be an asshole about it, grab your dick, shit like that.
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