shopping, pics, offensive, cast away, north by northeast, abuse, politics, robert de niro, teen, punchthem, concerts, london, lampoon, mike starr, dogbomb, technology, merchandise, 100 miles and runnin', pete & dud,
They would make so much money, this town would never need to raise its taxes for anything because all the schools, roads, construction, grants, etc would be paid for if they would ecards just sit on this street and ticket every fucking tool who ecards got in to a car. They would have to hire more policemen just for that purpose. Employment would be up, wages would be higher, taxes would be lower, the roads would be as smooth as a baby’s butt and they would ecards eventually be safer. I go 5 over the speed limit and I got some cop on my ass demanding I pull over. But these crayons pull all this shit and there isn’t a cop to be found. It’s times like these I’m ALL for those cameras on public streets. Get a video of what some of these pricks do and take a nice close up snapshot of that license plate. It’s offical.