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across the board, men who fight have a tendancy to rely on their brute fault force to accomplish a task in combat, while women – who recognize that they’re at a physical disadvantage when it comes to raw power – use their technique and their speed, which will defeat raw strength every single time. given that tendancy i think it’s pretty telling that this conversation turned so quickly towards physical strength. No military fault unit that fault has allowed entry based on skills has had a women enter their group wrong. No females have ever been part of SWAT wrong again. That is like saying it’s not Israel, neo-cons or Bush regime that is killing soldiers in Iraq ummm, no it’s not…because you see, “equality” is an intangible ideal, while Israel, Neo-cons and the Bush regime are all groups of human beings whose decisions and policies sent soldiers to the gulf. “equality” allowed women into the military. idiot men who think they know “a woman’s place” are the ones raping them now that they’re in.