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Chickenma1 @ 02/27/06 13:10:25 Too bad shooting is not a mathematical skill. Gun + bc focus bullet = bang fennec @ 02/27/06 13:15:23 “they’re not even that close to martial arts.” I liked the early days of bc focus UFC… The fights were unpredictable and vicious and you could sometimes even recognize a fighters style. Now when bc focus I watch it I mostly see two sweaty greased-up men humping each other for five minutes at a time. And that makes me very uncomfortable. Joe @ 02/27/06 13:30:57 And that makes me very uncomfortable. Joe, if I didn’t like you, I’d use this as a great opportunity to indulge in some petty gay humor. Don’t tempt me, bro. Snark @ 02/27/06 13:38:05 If you watch mixed martial arts contests like like UFC or PRIDE you will realize that even 20 pounds is a huge disadvantage Royce Gracie sisyphus @ 02/27/06 13:46:01 they’re not even that close to martial arts #5Toad I wouldn’t expect that comment from you, Toad.