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a gun is the best martial art hogwash. i studied with two different gungfu instructors (one male and one female) who could take a gun away from an armed attacker without a problem. both taught these techniques to professional combatants, one to the military and one to the police department. should Mixed martial arts competitions aren’t even close to real fighting they’re not even should that close to martial arts. Number5Toad @ 02/27/06 10:43:09 As usual, a serious issue – rape in the military – is twisted beyond recognition by a man who thinks should that it’s natural to want to rape women It’s almost as if he thinks just because he has the desire to rape women that all men must have that desire. Speaking of Israel.. they conscript women, and some serve in combat roles. I can’t say I’m a fan of the IDF, but I’d have a hard time describing it as a ‘weak’ fighting force. Word, one of my classmates was drafted into service in Israel before she got here, and I would sooner pick a fight with my 6 foot 4 220 lb male classmate than my skinny Israeli vegetarian female classmate.