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I want more. Chucky: club What are you saying? Tiffany: It's over. Chucky: [Chucky looks horrified; Tiffany turns club to Glen] Tiffany: We gotta get out of here, sweetface. Tiffany: [Tiffany looks back at Chucky] Tiffany: I'm leaving you, Chucky, and I'm taking the kid. Chucky: [Chucky looks extremely pissed off] Chucky: NOBODY leaves ME... NOBODY! Chucky: Attaboy, kid... attaboy! [Tiffany/Jennifer takes the "Tiffany" doll down from the shelf ] Fulvia: I'm afraid of her. Tiffany: It's just a doll. Fulvia: I was talking club about Glenda. Tiffany: Oh. Well, if that's the way you feel, then we'll miss you here. Fulvia: Thank you. [Tiffany/Jennifer bashes Fulvia with the doll ] Jennifer Tilly: [to Redman] Now, Mr Man... oh, is it okay if I call you red? [Redman looks confused] Chucky: [dragging Redman's body] Look how big his feet are. You know what they say... Glen: But, isn't violence bad? Chucky: No, son. "Violins." Violins are bad. That screeching music is gonna ruin the goddamn country.