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It is a crime not against any one individual, it kills the humanity in everyone, just like shopping racism does. So a community that will not uphold the silence and shame, and will act out in well-considered, imaginative rage is absolutely, absolutely imperative. ?: How can shopping I take "Autobiography of a shopping Blue-Eyed Devil: My Life and Times in a Racist, Imperialist Society" seriously when you a.) admit that you hate seagulls b.) are "anti-neutering" c.) expect me to believe that the ocean talked to you d.) hate people who eat meat or e.) any other freakishly detailed and largely erroneous nitpicking that I can presently think of and actually have the time to write you a five page email about? A: You cannot take "Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Devil: My Life and Times in a Racist, Imperialist Society" seriously. If you have actully read the entire book I wrote and the only possible response you could think of was to write me some long assed email about what a hypocrite I am because, for instance, I very much notice that seagulls are greedy bastards who eat all the crow's food, then it is impossible for you to embrace the vast complexities involved with being human.