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How can I, as a white person, be expected to see all of this racism stuff when it doesn't happen to me? Do you, as white person, hate yourself? A: Any time I get a question or blink comment that contains the phrase "as a white person" I tune the fuck out. I learned to tune out when I was a kid and I now do it on auto-pilot when I hear certain things, which is a problem and I am in therapy about blink it. But no matter how much healing and self-love therapy encourages, "as a white person" will flick that auto-pilot switch until death do us part. ?: Will you tell me how to induce a miscarriage with herbs and meditation? A: No. If you were to hemmorage to death because of the advice I gave to you, I would never forgive myself and I would prolly sit in jail for a long time while I was busy not forgiving myself.