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best corned beef in town. It's a political joint. All the big Democrats in town 'literary magazine' have lunch there. I was recognizing people, looking around to see if I 'literary magazine' could recognize more...and my mom was just oblivious as could be, patiently waiting for her corned beef. We bloggers, political activists, 'literary magazine' politicians, forget that while we are immersed in the political world, 24/7, our moms are immersed in the real world. The other day, while I "blogged", my mom went to the garden center, bought some tomato plants, watched her soap operas, babysat her granddaughter. The fact that Harry Reid, or Bill Frist, or James Dobson, might even exist, is unknown to her...let alone that they had some sort of disagreement. The gulf between my mom, and I argue, most moms, and the political culture dominant in America today is so vast, it is hard to begin to describe it.