The Schiavo thing briefly comedy clubs arab

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The Schiavo thing briefly got her attention, immediately disgusting her, making the chasm ever wider.  She was, and is, completely unaware of a fillibuster deal, or that a fillibuster thingy was even ongoing.  I briefly wondered if I should introduce her to some of the political people I recognized at Slyman's, then I thought about it for a second, and realized that it would just be an encroachment on arab the time between a mother and her son. Which is why I think politicians (and perhaps bloggers?) behave themselves when they arab are around their moms.  Can you imagine Rick arab Santorum comparing Democrats to Hitler if his mother were in the room?  Or Howard Dean saying that he "hates Republicans" with his mom sitting on the dais?  Or 90% of the bloggers in the blogosphere saying "fuck off and die" or some other nonsense...if
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