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And be sure to take part in the Retort Contest. Details are listed at the ming dynasty bottom ming dynasty of this page! As usual all of the Christian emails will be in blue and my replies will be in black and white . Enjoy! I recently received an email from a fan that included a hilarious "letter" from some 13 year old Atheist. I hope you find it as interesting as I did. Excerpt from Robert T. Lee's web site ming dynasty BOAST OF A 13 YEAR OLD ATHEIST Hi, I am a 13 year old atheist. The reason I am an atheist is because I'm being taught to be one by my atheistic parents, public school and the atheistic american constitution. I am also being encouraged to be an atheist by my atheistic friends, atheistic sites on the internet, the stuff on TV, the movie industry, the music industry, the books I read, college groups and political special interest groups. All these teach me against all religions, particularly against the Christian religion.