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There are several letters to choose from. Enter as many times as you'd like. Act fast! The sooner you enter the more chance that they'll respond, and we all know how funny that can be! LETTER #1 FUCK YOU! YOU AND YOUR SITE....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A FREAK PERSON AND YOU NEED ANTONI HOPKINS TO TEACH YOU SOME BETTER THINGS. YOU ARE FAAAAAAAAAAAAR BEHIND...... Matoyla Basileioy savage love LETTER #2 you are a idiot and blashimian. i want too kick your ash. jesus panish you and you are curst. Xaris Papargyriou savage love LETTER #3 i am from greece. fuck off i hope burn in hell asshole Պ LETTER #4 Dear Bob , GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU WANKER dikefal LETTER #5 FUCK OFF MOTHERFUCKER! up your ASS Sakellarois Athanasi NO threats, pornography, viruses, violence, misspellings or pointless agreement with their message to me.