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(lit. fat piss) Du lugter som torben efter films en chat-fest You smell like a gang-bang after a chat-party Hvad glor dú på, grimme? What are you looking at, uglyface? Hvem tror films du egentlig du er? Who do you really think you are? Behøver du virkelig være så grim? Do you have to be that ugly? Swearing Generators Jokes Slang Home Copyright © 2005 Insultmonger.com. All Rights Reserved. Happy Furry Puppy Story Time with Norbizness « Why Can't This Be My Real Job? | Main | As Popular As John Rocker With A films Hitler Moustache In The Hood, G » October 05, 2005 "Your Mother Puts License Plates In Your Underwear? How Do You Sit?" Caption as many pictures as you want, but at least try the practice picture (#5). Clicking on thumbnails = larger, context-revealing picture.