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#9: The tenuous Cosplay-Furry Alliance, while formidable, was not meant to martha wainwright last. Posted by: Sandman at October 5, 2005 04:55 PM #5 - People with heart conditions and pregnant women are advised to use extreme caution before viewing Dennis Hastert in 3-D... Posted by: drew at October 5, 2005 05:21 martha wainwright PM 5) Long Island's chapter of Society of The Spectacle lines up for tickets to the Rove-Libby trial. Posted by: vachon at October 5, 2005 07:10 PM After martha wainwright photos of the casting call leaked out, the decision to go with Jamie Foxx in Ray suddenly made more sense. Posted by: craig at October 6, 2005 12:33 AM 1. Huh. I guess you have to be Russian. 2. I think there is some small victory we can claim in the fact that men who wear mustaches resembling the upturned head of a water buffalo are no longer attractive. 3.