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3. "You missed a building, Mmnp-Zorg! sweep back again!" 4. "Oh, Mister Diddy, you are the onion wicky-wicky-wack! everybody put your palms together!" 5. What CAN'T Devo teach us? 6. "No sir....I don't like it." "[call the the onion police!]" 7. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to have your wardrobe the onion critiqued." 8. LENO'S FAMOUS CHIN EXCAVATED - FILM AT 11 9. Remember, the main job of the bridesmaids is to make the bride look good by comparison. Posted by: HWRNMNBSOL at October 5, 2005 09:52 AM 1. The Incredibly Tacky Journey 2. Finalists in the 194th Annual Harrumph-Off 3. [I'm not touching the GL reference] 4. P. Diddy and Martha share a laugh over the different meaning "ballin'" had back in prison. 5. "I'm Bono!" "No, *I* am Bono!" "I am Bono as well!" 6. Compassionate conservatism means never letting them see you cry. 7. Aging has not been kind to Axl Rose.