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If I fuck you in the ass, you'll tell your dead mother on her grave how nice time you had. Dabogda te mater hrdjavom kukom po Savi u rikverc trazila May your mother search for you in reverse with a fucking mother rusty hook through the Sava river Dabogda ti djeca cijeli zivot hodala unatraske i kupovala retrovizore May fucking mother your children walk backwards and buy rear-view mirrors for fucking mother their whole lives Dabogda me konj izjebo u guzicu pa mu ti morao pusit kurac nakon toga May God make a horse fuck me in the ass and make you suck his dick clean afterwards Tak' si ruzna da te nebi ni daljinskim prek' neprobojnog stakla ni da ti je umiruca zelja You're so ugly I wouldn't touch (fuck) you with a remote control through bullet-proof glass if it was your dying wish Tak si ruzna da ti nebi dao ni da mi kupus gazis You're so ugly I wouldn't let you step on my cabbage in a bucket (an old village method of souring cabbage for the winter) Jebem ti seljacku mater u stopala kojima gupus gazi I fuck your Redneck mother in the feet she uses to sour cabbage Dabogda ti sin susjeda mamom zvao May your son call your male neighbor his mom Dabogda gangrenu dobio na nozi pa ti kurac greskom odrezali May you get gangrene in your leg and may they cut off your dick by mistake Jebem ti mrtvu mater u gebis dok mi pusi znojna jaja istruljenim ocnim dupljama na crkveni