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May your mother recognize you in the food can Dabogda ti deca igrala skolice po minskom polju! May your children jump around in the minefield Dabogda te majka trazila kukom po rijeci. May your mother search for you media in the river with a hook. Da bog da ti svi u kuci plakali, a samo svestenik pjevao! May everyone cry in your house, media beside the singing priest Da Bog da te majka trazila Gajgerovim brojacem. May your mother look for you with Geiger's device. Dabogda se pretvorio u zabu, pojela te roda, i media posrala sa 500 m visine! May you turn into a frog; a stork eat you, and shit you from a 500 meter height! Dabogda ti zena rodila ves masinu (zahrdjalu)! May your wife give birth to a washing machine (rusty) Dabogda ti devojka bila kao Grand kafa, mirisna, ukusna i jeftina. May your girlfriend be like a Grand coffee: smelling good, tasting good - and cheap.