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I fucked your mother! radiohead Jedi govna! Eat Shit Koji ti je kurac? What dick is yours? Kurcoglavac! Dickhead! Picko jedna! You cunt! Jebem ti Boga! Fuck the God!! Jebem ti radiohead dan kad si rodjen! Fuck the day when you were born! Jebem ti supu od Isusovih kostiju! Fuck the soup made of Jesus bones! Jebem ti Kristovo raspece! Fuck the Crucifixion of Jesus! Jebem ti sve mrtvo i zhivo! I fuck all your dead and alive family! Jebem radiohead ti pitu od Kur'anovih listova! Fuck the pie of Qur'an pages! Jebo te cacin caca! Your father's father fucked you! Jebem ti mater u po picke! I fuck your mother in the center of her pussy. Ko te prči! Get lost! (lit. who fucks you!) Stoko nevaspitana Stupid cow Jebo te onaj ko te napravijo Your father fucked you Mars u picku materinu Go inside your mother's pussy Jebem ti krvavim kurcem defektnu kcer na grobu mrtve matere dok tvoj paraplegicni otac drka na taj prizor a ti mu lizes zadrkana jaja.