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Don't. Want. 'short story' To. Know. Having a parent in the health care industry begats way to weird of stories, ya'll." -trav [2002-07-02 11:44:06] "My mother's stories are mostly sad, but then there's a whole load of comically morbid ones, too." 'short story' -Missy [2002-07-02 15:44:01] "Just to clarify....the wound was on his eyebrow....hope I didn't scare you! :)" -Your Mom [2002-07-03 09:30:44] (5 comments) [ home - archives - quoteboard - blogger 'short story' decoder - wishlist ] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. What is this publication? Maledicta Monitor was essentially a mini-Maledicta -- lots of short goodies, but no long articles or glossaries. Nothing from M.M.