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CLIVE: What, things falling off? DEREK: Yeah, my Un-, my, erm, er, my Uncle Bert, you know. He, er, I was talking to him, freeblog templates er, we were having a drink, you know, in the pub ..... (starts giggling) ..... and ..... CLIVE: "And", yeah freeblog templates ..... DEREK: ..... and sud-, suddenly, you know, ..... CLIVE: Yeah. DEREK: ..... he was talking, freeblog templates you know, telling a joke, I think it was ..... CLIVE: Yeah. DEREK: ..... and, er, his head fell off! CLIVE: Oh, FUCK!! DEREK: (gasping laugh) CLIVE: What a cunt!! His fucking head fell off? DEREK: Yeah, right in front ..... CLIVE: In the middle of a joke? DEREK: Yeah! h- ..... CLIVE: Did he give you the punchline? DEREK: No, well, no!