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New cars and jewelry lead the pack in terms of the most extravagant luxury items purchased. These include: "2005 S-Type Jaguar," "18k naked moms fucking gold Tiffany ring," "Porsche 911 Cabriolet," "Mikimoto pearls," "2006 Escalade," and "Diamond tennis bracelets and engagement rings" Other frequent mentions include: watches (particularly Rolex watches), clothing items (including Armani and naked moms fucking Brioni suits), designer handbags (Prada and Louis Vuitton mentioned) and plasma and high definition televisions ("Sony 32'' HDTV" and "60'' flat screen TV"). Some more unique respondent mentions for recent extravagant naked moms fucking purchases include: "1/6 ounce pheromone" "a potter's wheel" "a handmade corset with steel boning" "laser treatments for face" Shopping Trends: Battle of the Sexes Although overall, a little more than half (56%) say they shop "only when a specific item is needed," compared to those who enjoy shopping "even just to browse" (44%)… women are more like than men to enjoy "browsing" (58% women – 31% men) while men are more likely to shop only when necessary (69% men – 42% women).