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Happy T-Shirt Hellidays from your mortal enemies at T-Shirt Hell. To my mother, Ma, what can I say? Last night was terrible. I put up with that kind of pycho shit for 17years. I won't do it now. You will not use me as an excuse to send all your animals to the pound. They are just another thing that comedy you've had the responsibilty for and just fucked it up. You will not use me as an comedy excuse to alienate your other children. They are smart kids, and they know you. comedy Maybe when they are older they will forgive you, but if they are like me...I doubt it. I don't forgive you. You made the choice to have sex, to have me. And yet, I've been the one to suffer for it. You say Dad will never grow up, but you act like a tyrannical two year old. It isn't going to fly once we are all adults. You will have what you've always wanted - to be alone.