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You run around talking about what great Christians you all are, but treat everyone velvet acid christ music song lyrics like shit. You can't even see what hypocrites you are! I put up with my step-dad treating me and my brother like shit until I could leave the house, but I don't have to put up with it anymore. I am velvet acid christ music song lyrics done with this family. You said to me that "this is just how the Middle Eastern culture is". Your step-dad is always going to prefer his natural daughter to his step-children. Blood is the most important thing. Ya know what? How 'bout I just drop-kick is dumb ass back to the Middle EAst? They just might want him back! Asshole. I never asked to have a Middle-Eastern step dad who thinks women are dogs. What a fucking misogynist! One of my best friends is Middle Eastern and her family seem to act civilized!