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What the fuck is that about? I'm doing boy howdy one thing, ONE fucking thing, that you don't think is right, and you think I'm an awful person. It's just a goddamn divorce, mom. Just because you don't have the balls to get doesn't boy howdy mean that boy howdy I can't! But let's talk about all the things you do that I don't approve of, shall we? Drugs much???? Had 2 kids out of wedlock, by 2 different guys, so you say. I think you just fucked too many guys and you didn't know who my brothers father was. But God forbid we try to talk to you about it! Bitch! You finally got married when you were the biggest fucking asshole-loser EVER! I've never hated anyone like I hate him! Didn't stop you though, did it? Why would you possibly care what your own children thought? That would just be silly!!! To top it off you've stayed married to him for 14 unhappy fucking years.