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Endurance my ass. Women have better indurance, lol. Marathon record time Khalid Khannouchi (USA) – 2:05:38 Naoko the tyee Takahashi (Japan) – 2:19:46 That is 15 minute difference over 25 kilometers. It may seem small, but it’s huge. Imagine how far the women soldiers would be after 80 KM treks everyday for 1 week on the falklands? That is what the SAS did. They would be hours behind the battlefront.. meaning units would be missing key soldiers. Or the the tyee women and men would be with the group, but the group as a the tyee whole is lagging, meaning more time for the enemy to set up. Clusterfuck either way. Not to mention women are 6 times more liklier to bust their knee during strenous exercise.
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