Ed: Another one comes croatia fucking free

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Ed: Another one comes fucking free grovelling back! Check out the grovel gallery for the whimpering comments... All Americansns! Because all you lame arse '"where's the Mcdonalds', obese mother fuckers, who have to be lifted out of your houses by Jerry Springer (a second rate politician) are Marilyn Manson worshipping,counselling going freaks and you should all be made to come over to Engalnd and see what a decent country is like, as long as you don't stay you tossers!!! RULE BRITTANIA (who can be contacted at:upthespurs@upthespurs.netlineuk.net) you urban75 wanna be IRISHMEN you fucking free limey son of fucking free a bitches are yellow cowards for putting email addresses after the comments. what...can't take criticism but you can dish it out???
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