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Life Among the Gorillas Marshall interns at the corporation where Barney works and finds that he is becoming a shallow jerk as he tries to fit in with his Barney-like coworkers. Meanwhile, Ted feels guilty when he receives several gifts from Victoria while he hasn't sent her any Continue posted 2006-03-21 18:05:01 SweetPeaSurry 9.0 Life Among the teenhelp Gorillas Gorilla teenhelp Head Continue posted 2006-03-21 15:24:02 ShowsIWatch 8.5 Pilot Great new romantic comedy show Continue posted 2006-03-21 13:13:06 ishboo39 1 user agrees with this review 10.0 Personal favorite This show reminded me why I love T.V. unfourtunatley I only know one other person who watches it. Continue posted 2006-03-20 17:18:27 seinfeld111690 8.7 Underappreciated This show has a great future to it you can just tell by looking at the characters, and how they could really develop into some great characters.. Continue posted 2006-03-15 14:22:23 pday 9.5 Absolutely fabulous How I Met Your Mother is a hilarious show with a feel-good story line.