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weeks for oncology to 40 weeks for orthopedic surgery, according to dyingfetus lyrics the study. Last December, provincial health ministers unveiled new targets for cutting wait times, dyingfetus lyrics including four weeks for radiation dyingfetus lyrics therapy for cancer patients beginning when doctors consider them ready for treatment and 26 weeks for hip replacements. Now, call me crazy, but even your average heartless HMO here in America will provide superior care than that. The problem is that HMOs are private, whereas government is public, so in the mind of Mikey and those like him the government is more compassionate, even when delivering inferior care. Posted in Polemics • Sicko • Socialism • (32) Comments • (0) Trackbacks • Permalink • Discuss in the forums Thursday, February 16, 2006 What A Fat BastardPosted by Lee on 02/16 at 10:56 PM • E-mail this to a friend A minute ago I was looking for a picture of Fat Bastard, the character from the Austin Powers movies, so I went to Google Image Search and typed in “fat bastard".