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"They should give Bill Clinton a raise for banging all these ugly chicks," Dice velvet acid christ calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix) song lyrics was heard to remark. "It's not like he's going with the Pamela Andersons of the world. Or Paula Jones - that chick's got a snout like an anteater. Or these big, heavyset lesbians like Linda Tripp. With them jowls hanging down. She's like a walrus outta the zoo. She got mad that Lewinsky was getting all of it, and that's what causes women to go with other women. Don't get me wrong velvet acid christ calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix) song lyrics - I don't velvet acid christ calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix) song lyrics mind if they're a little thick, but there should be a law against ugliness. There needs to be a three-week incarceration and a $1,000 fine. With all the lipstick and rouge and eye makeup, there should not be ugliness in this world." As the discussion escalated into gender matters, flat-chested activist Kennedy tried her darnedest to give Dice the smackdown.