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the slimy coating on the beans develops into stringy, bc communities stretchy, marshmallow-like strands that will forever haunt my dreams. Basically, if you move it back and bc communities forth enough, you're left with a gross, sticky mess. (Hey, natto and I have bc communities at least one thing in common!) And now that I think about it, that's exactly what it looks like the pranksters back at Shirakiku did into my beans. You guuuys! I force-fed myself a big ol' spoonful, and found it to be slightly rancid and extremely bitter. Unfortunately, swallowing didn't help dissipate the flavor because the strings of bean jizz melted, coating my mouth and lips with a glistening sheen of sadness. The entire experience is difficult to describe, but if you can remember back to the very first time you made out with a hobo's ass, it's a lot like that. What I find most hilarious is that there is an expiration date on the package. What could they possibly expect to happen to the product on this date THAT HAS NOT ALREADY OCCURRED?!!!